| Atkinson, K., Baroni, P., Giacomin, M., Hunter, A., Prakken, H., Reed, C., Simari, G., and 2 others (2017) "Towards Artificial Argumentation", AI Magazine, 38 (3), pp25-36.
| | Bex., F., Grasso, F., Green, N., Paglieri, F. and Reed, C. (2017) "Argument Technologies: Theory, Analysis & Applications", College Publications.
| | Bex., F., Grasso, F., Green, N., Paglieri, F. and Reed, C. (2017) "Introduction" in Bex., F., Grasso, F., Green, N., Paglieri, F. and Reed, C. (eds) Argument Technologies: Theory, Analysis & Applications,, College Publications, ppi-vii.
|  | Janier, M. & Reed, C. (2017) "I didn't say that!: Uses of SAY in mediation discourse", Discourse Studies, 19 (6), pp619-647.
|  | Janier, M. and Reed, C. (2017) "Towards a Theory of Close Analysis for Dispute Mediation Discourse", Argumentation, 31 (1), pp45-82.
|  | Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2017) "Using Complex Argumentative Interactions to Reconstruct the Argumentative Structure of Large-Scale Debates" in Proceedings of the 4th International ACL/EMNLP Workshop on Argument Mining, Copenhagen, pp108-117.
|  | Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2017) "Mining Argumentative Structure from Natural Language Text using Automatically Generated Premise-Conclusion Topic Models" in Proceedings of the 4th International ACL/EMNLP Workshop on Argument Mining, Copenhagen, pp39-48.
|  | Lawrence, J., Park, J., Konat, B. Budzynksa, K, Cardie, C. and Reed, C. (2017) "Using Argumentative Structure to Interpret Debates in Online Deliberative Democracy and eRulemaking", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 17 (3): .
|  | Lawrence, J., Snaith, M., Konat, B., Budzynska, K. & Reed, C. (2017) "Debating Technology for Dialogical Argument: Sensemaking, Engagement and Analytics", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 17 (3): .
|  | Lawrence, J., Visser, J. & Reed, C. (2017) "Harnessing Rhetorical Figures for Argument Mining: A Pilot Study in Relating Figures of Speech to Argument Structure", Argument & Computation, 8 (3), pp289-310.
|  | Macagno, F., Walton, D. & Reed, C. (2017) "Argumentation Schemes. History, Classifications and Computational Applications", Journal of Logics and their Applications, 4 (8), pp2493-2556.
|  | Murdock, J., Allen, C., Borner, K., Light, R., McAlister, S., Rose, R., and 5 others, Reed, C. (2017) "Multi-level computational methods for interdisciplinary research in the HathiTrust Digital Library", PLoS ONE, 12 (9), ppe0184188.
|  | Paglierei, F. & Reed, C. (2017) "Introduction: Theoretical and Technological Perspectives on Online Arguments", Philosophy & Technology, 30 (2), pp131-135.
|  | Pease, A., Lawrence, J., Budzynska, K., Corneli, J. & Reed, C. (2017) "Lakatos-style collaborative mathematics through dialectical, structured and abstract argumentation", Artificial Intelligence, 246, pp181-219.
|  | Reed, C., Budzynska, K., Duthie, R., Janier, M., Konat, B., Lawrence, J., Pease, A. & Snaith, M. (2017) "The Argument Web: an Online Ecosystem of Tools, Systems and Services for Argumentation", Philosophy & Technology, 30 (2), pp137-160.
|  | Snaith, M & Reed, C. (2017) "Argument Revision", Journal of Logic and Computation, 27 (7), pp2089-2134.
| | Snaith, M., Medellin, R., Lawrence, J. and Reed, C. (2017) "Arguers and the Argument Web" in Bex., F., Grasso, F., Green, N., Paglieri, F. and Reed, C. (eds) Argument Technologies: Theory, Analysis & Applications,, College Publications, pp57-72.