Chris Reed's Publications

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D'Agostino G., Rocci, A. & Reed, C. (2024) "Capturing Analysts' Questioning Strategies in Earnings Calls via a Question Cornering Score (QCS)" in Proceedings of the IJCAI Joint Workshop of the 8th Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing (FinNLP) and the 1st Agent AI for Scenario Planning (AgentScen), Jeju, Korea.
D'Agostino, G., Schad, E., Maguire, E., Reed, C., Lucchini, C. & Rocci, A. (2024) "Superquestions and some ways to answer them", Journal of Argumentation in Context, .
D’Agostino, G., Reed, C. & Puccinelli, D. (2024) "Segmentation of Complex Question Turns for Argument Mining: A Corpus-Based Study in the Financial Domain" in Proceedings of LREC-COLING 2024, ACL, Turin.
Gemechu, D. & Reed, C. (2024) "External Knowledge-Driven Argument Mining: Leveraging Attention-Enhanced Multi-Network Models" in Proceedings of EMNLP 2024 (Main Papers), ACL.
Gemechu, D., Ruiz Dolz, R. & Reed, C. (2024) "ARIES: A General Benchmark for Argument Relation Identification" in Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Argument Mining, ACL, Bangkok.
Gorska, K., Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2024) "FORECAST2023: A Forecast and Reasoning Corpus of Argumentation Structures" in Proceedings of LREC-COLING 2024, ACL, Turin.
Reed, C. (2024) "Argument, Explanation and Inference: A position paper comprising footnotes to Hahn & Tesic" in Working Notes of the First Workshop on Natural Language Argument-Based Explanations (ArgNLE) at ECAI 2024, Santiago de Compostela.
Robinson, J., Atkinson, K., Maskell, S. & Reed, C. (2024) "On Diagnostic Arguments in Abstract Argumentation Frameworks" in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2024), , IOS Press,, Hagen, Germany, pp359-360.
Robinson, J., Atkinson, K., Maskell, S. & Reed, C. (2024) "On Diagnostic Arguments in Abstract Argumentation" in Working Notes of the 5th International Workshop on Systems & Algorithms for Formal Argumentation (SAFA 2024), Hagen.
Ruiz Dolz, R., Schad, E. & Reed, C. (2024) "Overview of DialAM-2024: Argument Mining in Natural Language Dialogues" in Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Argument Mining, ACL, Bangkok.
Ruiz Dolz, R., Taverner, J., Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2024) "NLAS-multi: A Multilingual Corpus of Automatically Generated Natural Language Argumentation Schemes", Data in Brief, .
Ruosch, F., Sarasua, C., Reed, C. & Bernstein, A. (2024) "Toward the Argument Web of Science" in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2024), IOS Press, Hagen, Germany, pp365-366.
Schad, E., Visser., J. & Reed, C. (2024) "The RIP Corpus of Collaborative Hypothesis-Making" in Proceedings of LREC-COLING 2024, ACL, Turin.
Seyfried C., Reed, C. and Kamide, Y. (2024) "Defining Argumentative Discourse Units as Clauses: Psycholinguistic Evidence" in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2024), IOS Press, Hagen, Germany, pp277-288.
Srivastava, S., Theune, M., Reed, C. & Catala, A. (2024) "Trust in a Human-Computer Collaborative Task With or Without Lexical Alignment" in ACM UMAP 2024, ACM.
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Budzynska, K. & Reed, C. (2023) "Argumentum Ad Alia: argument structure of arguing about what others have said", Synthese, 203, pp91.
Hautli-Janisz, A., Budzynska, K. & Reed, C. (2023) "Conventional Implicatures in Argumentation", Languages 8 (1), 8 (1), pp14.
Lawrence, J., Visser, J. & Reed, C. (2023) "Translational Argument Technology: Engineering a Step Change in the Argument Web", Journal of Web Semantics, 77, pp100786.
Schad, E., Hautli-Janisz, A., Reed, C. (2023) "The 10,000 Argument Rule. Adequacy in Theories of Argument Structure" in Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argument ISSA 2023 , Sicsat, pp796-812.
Schad, E., Visser, J. & Reed, C. (2023) "The Adventure of Argument: Hypothesis-Making in Fictionalised Crime" in Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argument ISSA 2023, Sicsat, pp813-822.
Visser, J., Zografistou, D., Lawrence, J. & Reed C. (2023) "Argumentation in the Intelligence Domain" in Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argument ISSA 2023, Sicsat, pp 915-923.
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Gorska, K., Siskou, W., & Reed, C. (2022) "Annotating Very Large Arguments" in Francesca Toni, Sylwia Polberg, Richard Booth, Martin Caminada, Hiroyuki Kido (eds) Proceedings of the 9th conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2022), IOS Press, Cardiff, pp357-358.
Hautli Janisz. A., Schad, E. & Reed, C. (2022) "Disagreement space in argument analysis" in Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Perspectivist Approaches to NLP, ACL, Marseilles.
Hautli-Janisz, A., Budzynska, K., McKillop, C., Pluss, B. Gold, V. & Reed, C. (2022) "Questions in argumentative dialogue", Journal of Pragmatics, 188, pp56-79.
Hautli-Janisz, A., Kikteva, Z., Siskou, W., Gorska, K. & Reed, C. (2022) "QT30: A Corpus of Argument and Conflict in Broadcast Debate" in Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'22).
Kikteva, Z., Gorska, K., Siskou, W., Hautli-Janisz, A. & Reed, C. (2022) "The Keystone Role Played by Questions in Debate" in 3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse, CODI 2022, ACL, Gyeongju.
Lawrence, J., Visser, J. and Reed, C. (2022) "Polemicist: A Dialogical Interface for Exploring Complex Debates" in Francesca Toni, Sylwia Polberg, Richard Booth, Martin Caminada, Hiroyuki Kido (eds) Proceedings of the 9th conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2022), IOS Press, Cardiff, pp365-366.
Musi, E. & Reed, C. (2022) "From fallacies to semi-fake news: Improving the identification of misinformation triggers across digital media", Discourse & Society, 33 (3), pp349-370.
Musi, E., Carmi, E., O’Halloran, K., & Reed,C. (2022) "Developing misinformation immunity: how to reason-check fallacious news in a human computer interaction environment", Social Media & Society, 9 (1).
Visser, J., Lawrence, J., Reed, C., Wagemans, J. & Walton, D. (2022) "Annotating Argument Schemes" in Plantin, C. (eds) Argumentation Through Languages and Cultures, Springer, pp101-139.
Yaskorska-Shah, O., Rocci, A., Reed, C. (2022) "Conversation Shaping Questions: a Taxonomy Used for Mapping Argumentative Dialogues in Financial Discourse" in Grasso, F., Green, N. Schneider, J. & Wells, S. (eds) Proceedings of the 22nd Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument , CEUR vol. 3205, Cardiff, pp67-79.
Zografistou, D., Visser, J., Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2022) "ACH-Nav: Argument Navigation Using Techniques for Intelligence Analysis" in Francesca Toni, Sylwia Polberg, Richard Booth, Martin Caminada, Hiroyuki Kido (eds) Proceedings of the 9th conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2022), IOS Press, Cardiff, pp377-378.
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Jo, Y., Bang, S., Reed, C. & Hovy, E. (2021) "Classifying Argumentative Relations Using Logical Mechanisms and Argumentation Schemes", Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL), 9, pp721-739.
Jo, Y., Yoo, H., Bak, J.Y., Oh, A., Reed, C. & Hovy, E.H. (2021) "Knowledge-Enhanced Evidence Retrieval for Counterargument Generation" in EMNLP (Findings) 2021, ACL, pp3074-3094.
Reed, C. (2021) "The Waltonian Foundations of Argument Technology", IfCoLoG Journal of Logics and their Applications, 8 (1), pp245-262.
Reed, C. (2021) "Argument technology for debating with humans", Nature, 591, pp373-374.
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Duthie, R., Lawrence, J., Reed, C., Visser, J. & Zografistou, D. (2020) "Navigating Arguments and Hypotheses at Scale" in Prakken, H., Bistarelli, S., Santini, F. & Taticchi, C. (eds) Proceedings of COMMA 2020, IOS Press, pp459-460.
Jo, Y., Bang, S., Manzoor, E., Hovy, E. & Reed, C. (2020) "Detecting Attackable Sentences in Arguments" in Proceedings of EMNLP 2020, ACL, pp1-23.
Jo, Y., Mayfield, E., Reed, C. & Hovy, E. (2020) "Machine-Aided Annotation for Fine-Grained Proposition Types in Argumentation" in Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020).
Jo, Y., Visser, J., Hovy, E. & Reed, C. (2020) "Extracting Implicitly Asserted Propositions in Argumentation" in Proceedings of EMNLP 2020, ACL, pp24-38.
Lawrence, J., Visser, J., Walton, D. & Reed, C. (2020) "A Decision Tree for Annotating Argumentation Scheme Corpora" in Dutilh Novaes, C., Jansen, H., van Laar, J.A. & Verheij, B. (eds) Reason to Dissent Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Argumentation (ECA 2019), Volume III, College Publications, pp97-114.
M. Foulis, Visser, J. & Reed, C. (2020) "Dialogical Fingerprinting of Debaters" in Prakken, H., Bistarelli, S., Santini, F. & Taticchi, C. (eds) Proceedings of COMMA 2020, IOS Press, pp465-466.
Reed, C.A. (2020) "Argument technology from Philosophy to Phone" in Prakken, H., Bistarelli, S., Santini, F. & Taticchi, C. (eds) Proceedings of COMMA 2020, IOS Press, pp5-6.
Snaith, M., Lawrence J. Pease, A. & Reed, C. (2020) "A Modular Platform for Argument and Dialogue" in Prakken, H., Bistarelli, S., Santini, F. & Taticchi, C. (eds) Proceedings of COMMA 2020, IOS Press, pp473-474.
Visser, J. Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2020) "Reasong-Checking Fake News", Communications of the ACM, 63 (11), pp38-40.
Visser, J., Lawerence, J., Reed, C., Wagemans, J. & Walton, D. (2020) "Annotating Argument Schemes", Argumentation, 35, pp101-139.
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Gemechu, D. & Reed, C. (2019) "Decompositional Argument Mining: A General Purpose Approach for Argument Graph Construction" in Proceedings of the Fifty Seventh Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019), ACL, Florence.
Jo, Y., Visser, J., Hovy, E.. & Reed, C. (2019) "A Cascade Model for Proposition Extraction in Argumentation" in Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Argument Mining, ACL, Florence, pp108-117.
Lawrence, J & Reed, C. (2019) "Argument Mining: A Survey", Computational Linguistics, 45 (4), pp765-818.
Lawrence, J., Visser, J. & Reed, C. (2019) "An online annotation assistant for argument schemes" in Proceedings of the Thirteenth Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW 2019), ACL, Florence.
Pluss, B., Hautli-Janisz, A., Budzynska, K. and Reed, C. (2019) "Implicit Logos, Implicit Ethos: Inference Anchoring Theory with Conventional Implicatures" in Working Notes of the Sixth International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics (PhiLang 2019), Lodz.
Pluss, B., Hautli-Janisz, A., Budzynska, K., Gold, V. and Reed, C. (2019) "Identifying Enthymematic Conflict in Logos and Ethos Structures through Conventional Implicatures" in Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Argumentation (ECA 2019), College Publications, Groningen.
Visser, J., Konat, B., Duthie, R., Koszowy, M., Budzynska, K. & Reed, C. (2019) "Argumentation in the 2016 US presidential elections: Annotated corpora of television debates and social media reactions", Language Resources and Evaluation., .
Visser, J., Lawrence, J., Wagemans, J. & Reed, C. (2019) "An annotated corpus of argument schemes in US election debates" in Garssen, B., Godden, D., Mitchell, G. & Wagemans, J. (eds) Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argument (ISSA 2018), SicSat, Amsterdam., pp1101-1111.
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Budzynska, K., Pereira-Farina, M., De Franco, D., Duthie, R., and 10 others (2018) "Time-constrained Multi-layer Corpus Creation" in Working Notes of the 16th ArgDiaP Conference Argumentation and Corpus Linguistics, Warsaw.
Cerutti, F., Toniolo, A., Norman, T.J., Bex, F., Rahwan, I. & Reed, C. (2018) "AIF-EL: An OWL2-EL-Compliant AIF Ontology" in Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2018), IOS Press, Warsaw, pp455-456.
Gold, V., Plüss, B., El-Assady, M., Sperrle, F., Budzynska, K., Hautli-Janisz, A. & Reed, C. (2018) "Towards Deliberation Analytics: Stream Processing of Argument Data for Deliberative Communication" in Working Notes of the Workshop on Argumentation & Society, Warsaw.
Hautli-Janisz, A., Plüss, B., Budzynska, K., Gold, V. & Reed, C. (2018) "Conventional Implicatures in Computational Argumentation" in Working Notes of the Workshop on Argumentation & Philosophy, Warsaw.
Lawrence, J., Visser, J. & Reed, C. (2018) "BBC Moral Maze: Test Your Argument" in Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2018), IOS Press, Warsaw, pp465-466.
Plüss, B., El-Assady, M., Sperrle, F., Gold, V., Budzynska, K., Hautli-Janisz, A. & Reed, C. (2018) "ADD-up: Visual Analytics for Augmented Deliberative Democracy" in Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2018), IOS Press, Warsaw, pp471-472.
Pluss, B., Budzynska, K. & Reed C. (2018) "Modelling Questions in Public Arbitrations with Inference Anchoring Theory" in Working Notes of the of the DGfS Workshop, Why Indeed? Questions at the Interface of Theoretical and Computational Linguistics, Stuttgart.
Pluss, B., Sperrle, F., Gold, V., El-Assady, M., Hautli-Janisz, A., Budzynska, K. and Reed, C. (2018) "Augmenting Public Deliberations through Stream Argument Analytics and Visualisations" in Working Notes of the Leipzig Symposium on Visualization In Applications (LEVIA), Leipzig, pp1-9.
Reed, C., Budzynska, K., Lawrence, J., Pereira-Fariña, M., De Franco, D., Duthie, R. et al. (2018) "Large-scale deployment of argument analytics" in Working Notes of the Workshop on Argumentation & Society, Warsaw.
Visser, J., Budzynska, K. & Reed, C. (2018) "A Critical Discussion Game for Prohibiting Fallacies", Logic and Logical Philosophy, 27 (4), pp491-515.
Visser, J., Duthie, R., Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2018) "Intertextual Correspondence for Integrating Corpora" in Calzolari, N. et al. (eds) Proceedings of the Eleventh Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018), ELRA, Miyazaki, pp3511-3517.
Visser, J., Koszowy, M., Konat, B., Budzynska, K. & Reed, C. (2018) "Straw man and ignoratio elenchi as misuses of rephrase" in Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation (ECA 2017), College Publications, Fribourg, pp941-962.
Visser, J., Lawrence, J., Wagemans, J. & Reed, C. (2018) "Revisiting computational models of arguemnt schemes: classification, annotation, comparison" in Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2018), IOS Press, Warsaw, pp313-324.
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Atkinson, K., Baroni, P., Giacomin, M., Hunter, A., Prakken, H., Reed, C., Simari, G., and 2 others (2017) "Towards Artificial Argumentation", AI Magazine, 38 (3), pp25-36.
Bex., F., Grasso, F., Green, N., Paglieri, F. and Reed, C. (2017) "Argument Technologies: Theory, Analysis & Applications", College Publications.
Bex., F., Grasso, F., Green, N., Paglieri, F. and Reed, C. (2017) "Introduction" in Bex., F., Grasso, F., Green, N., Paglieri, F. and Reed, C. (eds) Argument Technologies: Theory, Analysis & Applications,, College Publications, ppi-vii.
Janier, M. & Reed, C. (2017) "I didn't say that!: Uses of SAY in mediation discourse", Discourse Studies, 19 (6), pp619-647.
Janier, M. and Reed, C. (2017) "Towards a Theory of Close Analysis for Dispute Mediation Discourse", Argumentation, 31 (1), pp45-82.
Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2017) "Using Complex Argumentative Interactions to Reconstruct the Argumentative Structure of Large-Scale Debates" in Proceedings of the 4th International ACL/EMNLP Workshop on Argument Mining, Copenhagen, pp108-117.
Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2017) "Mining Argumentative Structure from Natural Language Text using Automatically Generated Premise-Conclusion Topic Models" in Proceedings of the 4th International ACL/EMNLP Workshop on Argument Mining, Copenhagen, pp39-48.
Lawrence, J., Park, J., Konat, B. Budzynksa, K, Cardie, C. and Reed, C. (2017) "Using Argumentative Structure to Interpret Debates in Online Deliberative Democracy and eRulemaking", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 17 (3): .
Lawrence, J., Snaith, M., Konat, B., Budzynska, K. & Reed, C. (2017) "Debating Technology for Dialogical Argument: Sensemaking, Engagement and Analytics", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 17 (3): .
Lawrence, J., Visser, J. & Reed, C. (2017) "Harnessing Rhetorical Figures for Argument Mining: A Pilot Study in Relating Figures of Speech to Argument Structure", Argument & Computation, 8 (3), pp289-310.
Macagno, F., Walton, D. & Reed, C. (2017) "Argumentation Schemes. History, Classifications and Computational Applications", Journal of Logics and their Applications, 4 (8), pp2493-2556.
Murdock, J., Allen, C., Borner, K., Light, R., McAlister, S., Rose, R., and 5 others, Reed, C. (2017) "Multi-level computational methods for interdisciplinary research in the HathiTrust Digital Library", PLoS ONE, 12 (9), ppe0184188.
Paglierei, F. & Reed, C. (2017) "Introduction: Theoretical and Technological Perspectives on Online Arguments", Philosophy & Technology, 30 (2), pp131-135.
Pease, A., Lawrence, J., Budzynska, K., Corneli, J. & Reed, C. (2017) "Lakatos-style collaborative mathematics through dialectical, structured and abstract argumentation", Artificial Intelligence, 246, pp181-219.
Reed, C., Budzynska, K., Duthie, R., Janier, M., Konat, B., Lawrence, J., Pease, A. & Snaith, M. (2017) "The Argument Web: an Online Ecosystem of Tools, Systems and Services for Argumentation", Philosophy & Technology, 30 (2), pp137-160.
Snaith, M & Reed, C. (2017) "Argument Revision", Journal of Logic and Computation, 27 (7), pp2089-2134.
Snaith, M., Medellin, R., Lawrence, J. and Reed, C. (2017) "Arguers and the Argument Web" in Bex., F., Grasso, F., Green, N., Paglieri, F. and Reed, C. (eds) Argument Technologies: Theory, Analysis & Applications,, College Publications, pp57-72.
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Budzynska, K., Janier, M., Reed, C., Saint Dizier, P. (2016) "Theoretical foundations for illocutionary structure parsing", Argument & Computation, 7 (1), pp91-108.
Duthie, R., Budynska, K & Reed, C. (2016) "Mining Ethos in Political Debate" in Baroni, P., Stede, M. & Gordon, T. (eds) Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016), IOS Press, Potsdam, pp299-310.
Duthie, R., Lawrence, J. Budynska, K & Reed, C. (2016) "The CASS Technique for Evaluating the Performance of Argument Mining" in Working Notes of the 3rd International Workshop on Argument Mining, ACL, Berlin, pp40-49.
Janier, M. & Reed, C. (2016) "Corpus resources for dispute mediation discourse" in Proceedings of the 10th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2016), Portoroz, pp1014-1021.
Janier, M., Snaith, M., Budzynska, K., Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2016) "A System for Dispute Mediation: The Mediation Dialogue Game" in Baroni, P., Stede, M. & Gordon, T. (eds) Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016), IOS Press, Potsdam, pp351-358.
Konat, B., Lawrence, J., Park, J., Budzynska, K. & Reed, C. (2016) "A Corpus of Argument Networks: Using graph properties to analyse divisive issues" in Proceedings of the 10th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2016), Portoroz, pp3899-3906.
Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2016) "Argment Mining using Argumentation Scheme Structures" in Baroni, P., Stede, M. & Gordon, T. (eds) Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016), IOS Press, Potsdam, pp379-390.
Lawrence, J., Duthie, R. Budzysnka, K. & Reed, C. (2016) "Argument Analytics" in Baroni, P., Stede, M. & Gordon, T. (eds) Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016), IOS Press, Potsdam, pp371-378.
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Budzynska, K., Janier, M., Kang, J., Reed, C.A., Saint-Dizier, P., Stede, M. & Yaskorska, O. (2015) "Automatically identifying transitions between locutions in dialogue" in Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Argumentation (ECA 2015), College Publications, Lisbon.
Janier, M., Aakhus, M., Budzynska, K. & Reed, C.A. (2015) "Modeling argumentative activity with Inference Anchoring Theory: The case of impasse" in Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Argumentation (ECA 2015), College Publications, Lisbon.
Lawrence, J. & Reed, C.A. (2015) "Combining Argument Mining Techniques" in Working Notes of the 2nd Argumentation Mining Workshop, ACL'2015 , Denver.
Lawrence, J., Janier, M. & Reed, C.A. (2015) "Working with Open Argument Corpora" in Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Argumentation (ECA 2015), College Publications, Lisbon.
Medellin, R., Reed, C. & Hanson, V. (2015) "Recommendations to Support Interaction with Broadcast Debates: A Study on Older Adults Interaction with The Moral Maze", AI & Society, 31 (1), pp109-120.
Snaith, M. & Reed, C.A. (2015) "Dialogue Grammar Induction" in Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Argumentation (ECA 2015), College Publications, Lisbon.
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Bex, F., Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2014) "Generalising argument dialogue with the Dialogue Game Execution Platform" in Parsons, S., Oren, N., Reed, C. & Cerutti, F. (eds) Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2014), IOS Press, Pitlochry, pp141-152.
Bex, F., Snaith, M., Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (to appear) (2014) "ArguBlogging: An Application for the Argument Web", Journal of Web Semantics, 25, pp9-15.
Budzynksa, K., Janier, M., Kang, J., Reed, C., Saint Dizier, P., Stede, M. & Yaskorska, O. (2014) "Towards Argument Mining from Dialogue" in Parsons, S., Oren, N., Reed, C. & Cerutti, F. (eds) Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2014), IOS Press, Pitlochry, pp185-196.
Budzynska, K. & Reed, C. (to appear) (2014) "Dyskursywne znaki jako zrodlo i manifestacja inferencyjnych procesow poznawczych (Discursive signs as a source and manifestation of inferential cognitive processes)", Studia Semiotyczne, .
html Budzynska, K., Janier, M., Reed, C. Saint-Dizier, P., Stede, M. & Yaskorska, O. (2014) "A Model for Processing Illocutionary Structures and Argumentation in Debates" in Calzolari, N. et al. (eds) Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), ELRA, Rejkavik.
Budzynska, K., Reed, C. & Witek, M. (2014) "Pragmatics and dialectics of the rhetorical technique of ad baculum" in Proceedings of the Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argument (ISSA 2014).
Janier, M., Aakhus, M., Budzysnka, K. & Reed, C.A. (2014) "Games mediators play: Empirical methods for deriving dialogue structure" in Working Notes of the 1st Workshop on Methodologies for Research on Legal Argumentation (MET-ARG 2014).
Janier, M., Lawrence, J., Reed, C (2014) "OVA+: an Argument Analysis Interface" in Parsons, S., Oren, N., Reed, C. & Cerutti, F. (eds) Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2014), IOS Press, Pitlochry, pp463-464.
Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2014) "AIFdb Corpora" in Parsons, S., Oren, N., Reed, C. & Cerutti, F. (eds) Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2014), IOS Press, Pitlochry, pp465-466.
Lawrence, J., Reed, C., Allen, C., McAlister, S. & Ravenscroft, A. (2014) "Mining Arguments From 19th Century Philosophical Texts Using Topic Based Modelling" in Green, N., Ashley, K., Litman, D., Reed, C & Walker, V. (eds) Working Notes of the ACL2014 Workshop on Argument Mining, Baltimore.
Medellin, R., Hanson, V.L. & Reed, C. (2014) "Spoken interaction with broadcast debates" in Parsons, S., Oren, N., Reed, C. & Cerutti, F. (eds) Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2014), IOS Press, Pitlochry, pp51-58.
Medellin, R., Reed. C., and Hanson, V. L. (2014) "Older Adults Interaction with Broadcast Debates" in Proceedings of the 16th International ACM SIGACCESSS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2014), ACM, Rochester, NY.
html Parsons, S., Oren, N., Reed, C. & Cerutti, F. (eds) (2014) "Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2014)", IOS Press.
Pease, A., Budzynska, K., Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2014) "Lakatos Games for Mathematical Argument" in Parsons, S., Oren, N., Reed, C. & Cerutti, F. (eds) Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2014), IOS Press, Pitlochry, pp59-66.
Reed, C. (2014) "Structured Arguments and Their Aggregation: A Reply to Selinger", Argumentation, 28 (3), pp395-399.
Reed, C. (2014) "The theory and practice of the argument web" in Proceedings of the Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argument (ISSA 2014).
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Bex, F., Lawrence, J., Snaith, M. & Reed, C.A. (2013) "Implementing the Argument Web", Communications of the ACM, 56 (10), pp66-73.
Bex, F., Prakken, H., Modgil, S. & Reed, C.A. (2013) "On Logical Reifications of the Argument Interchange Format", Journal of Logic and Computation, 23 (5), pp951-989.
Budzynska, K., Janier, M., Reed, C.A. & Saint-Dizier, P. (2013) "Towards extraction of dialogical arguments" in Working Notes of the 13th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2013), Rome.
Budzynska, K., Janier, M., Reed, C.A. & Saint-Dizier, P. (2013) "Theoretical foundations for illocutionary structure parsing" in Working Notes of the 13th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2013), Rome.
S. Modgil, F. Toni, F. Bex, I. Bratko, C. I. Chesñevar, W. Dvořák and M. A. Falappa, S.A. Gaggl (2013) "The Added Value of Argumentation" in S. Ossowski (eds) Agreement Technologies, Springer, pp357-403.
Snaith, M. & Reed, C.A. (2013) "Argument Revision as a means of supporting dishonesty" in Fermé, E.L., Gabbay, D.M. and Simari, G.R. (eds) Trends in Belief Revision and Argumentation Dynamics, College Publications, London, pp229-245.
Snaith, M. & Reed, C.A. (to appear) (2013) "Justified argument revision in agent dialogue" in Proceedings of ArgMAS 2012.
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Bex, F. & Reed, C. (2012) "Dialogue Templates for Automatic Argument Processing" in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2012), IOS Press, Vienna.
Bex, F., Gordon, T., Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2012) "Interchanging arguments between Carneades and AIF - Theory and Practice" in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2012), IOS Press, Vienna.
Budzynska, K. & Reed, C. (to appear) (2012) "The Structure of Ad Hominem Dialogues" in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2012), IOS Press, Vienna.
Lawrence, J., Bex, F. & Reed, C. (2012) "Dialogues on the Argument Web: Mixed Initiative Argumentation with Arvina" in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2012), IOS Press, Vienna.
Lawrence, J., Bex, F., Reed, C. & Snaith, M. (2012) "AIFdb: Infrastructure for the Argument Web" in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2012), IOS Press, Vienna.
Quinlan, P., Thompson, A. & Reed, C. (2012) "An analysis and hypothesis generation platform for heterogeneous cancer databases" in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2012), IOS Press, Vienna.
Reed, C.A. (2012) "Argument Web: una visione che diventa realtà", Sistemi intelligenti, 3, pp583-594.
Snaith, M. & Reed, C. (2012) "TOAST: online ASPIC+ implementation" in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2012), IOS Press, Vienna.
Snaith, M., Bex, F., Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2012) "Implementing ArguBlogging" in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2012), IOS Press, Vienna.
Wells, S. & Reed, C. (2012) "A Domain Specific Language for Describing Diverse Systems of Dialogue", Journal of Applied Logic, 10 (4), pp309-329.
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Bex, F. & Reed, C. (2011) "Schemes of Inference, Conflict, and Preference in a Computational Model of Argument", Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 23 (36), pp39-58.
Rahwan, I,, Banihashemi, I, Reed, C., Walton, D. & Abdallah, S. (2011) "Representing and Classifying Arguments on the Semantic Web", Knowledge Engineering Review, 26 (4), pp487-511.
Reed, C. & Koszowy, M. (2011) "The Development of Argument and Computation and its roots in the Lvov-Warsaw School", Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 23 (36).
Reed, C. (to appear) (2011) "Implicit speech acts are ubiquitous. Why? They join the dots." in Proceedings of the Conference on Argumentation: Cognition and Community (OSSA-2011), Windsor, ON.
Reed, C., Wells, S., Snaith, M., Budzynska, K. & Lawrence, J. (to appear) (2011) "Using an argument ontology to develop pedagogical tool suites" in Blackburn, P, van Ditmarsch, H., Manzano, M. & Soler, F. (eds) Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic (TICTTL), LNCS Vol. 6680, Springer.
Reed, C.A. & Budzynska, K. (2011) "How dialogues create arguments" in van Eemeren, F.H. et al. (eds) Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA 2010), Sic Sat, Amsterdam.
Visser, J., Bex, F., Reed, C. & Garssen, B. (2011) "Correspondence between the Pragma-Dialectical Discussion Model and the Argument Interchange Format", Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 23 (36), pp189-224.
Yuan, T., Moore, D., Reed, C., Ravenscroft, A. and Maudet N. (2011) "Informal Logic Dialogue Games in Human-Computer Dialogue", Knowledge Engineering Review, 26 (2), pp159-174.
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Bex, F., Prakken, H. & Reed, C. (2010) "A formal analysis of the AIF in terms of the ASPIC framework" in Baroni, P., Cerutti, F., Giacomin, M & Simari, G.R. (eds) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2010), IOS Press, pp99-110.
Norman, T.J. & Reed, C. (2010) "A Logic of Delegation", Artificial Intelligence, 174 (1), pp51-71.
Oren, N., Reed, C., Luck, M. (2010) "Moving Between Argumentation Frameworks" in Baroni, P., Cerutti, F., Giacomin, M & Simari, G.R. (eds) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2010), IOS Press, pp379-390.
Reed, C. (2010) "Walton's theory of argument and its impact on computational models" in Reed, C. & Tindale, C.W. (eds) Dialectics, Dialogue and Argumentation, College Publications, London, pp73-84.
Reed, C. and Tindale, C. (eds) (2010) "Dialectics, Dialogue and Argumentation", College Publications, London.
Reed, C., Wells, S., Budzynska, K. & Devereux, J. (2010) "Building arguments with argumentation: the role of illocutionary force in computational models of argument" in Baroni, P., Cerutti, F., Giacomin, M & Simari, G.R. (eds) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2010), IOS Press, pp415-426.
Snaith, Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2010) "Mixed initiative argument in public deliberation" in De Cindio F., Macintosh A., Peraboni C. (eds) From e-Participation to Online Deliberation, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Online Deliberation, OD2010, ISBN 0-96678-186-4, Leeds, UK.
Snaith, M., Devereux, J., Lawrence, J. & Reed, C. (2010) "Pipelining Argumentation Technologies" in Baroni, P., Cerutti, F., Giacomin, M & Simari, G.R. (eds) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2010), IOS Press, pp447-454.
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Debowska, K., Lozinski, P. & Reed, C. (2009) "Building Bridges between Everyday Argument and Formal Representations of Reasoning", Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 16 (29), pp95-135.
Devereux, J. & Reed, C. (to appear) (2009) "Strategic Argumentation in Rigorous Persuasion Dialogue" in Proceedings of ArgMAS 2009, Springer.
Rahwan, I. & Reed, C. (2009) "The Argument Interchange Format" in Rahwan, I. & Simari, G. (eds) Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence, Springer.
Wells, S., Gourlay, C. & Reed, C. (2009) "Argument Blogging" in Working Notes of the 9th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2009), Pasadena.
Wells, S., Ravenscroft, A., Sagar, M. and Reed, C. (2009) "Mapping Persuasive Dialogue Games onto Argumentation Structures" in Working Notes of the AISB 2009 Workshop on Persuasive Technology, Edinburgh.
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Katzav, J. & Reed, C. (2008) "Modelling Argument Recognition and Reconstruction", Journal of Pragmatics, 40 (1), pp155-172.
Neville, R.G., Reed, C., Boswell, B. Sergeant, P., Sullivan, T., Sullivan, F.M. (2008) "Early experience of the use of short message service (SMS) technology in routine clinical care", Informatics in Primary Care, 16, pp203-211.
Quinlan, P.R., Reed, C. & Thompson, A. (2008) "INSPIRE: An Integrated Agent Based System for Hypothesis Generation within Cancer Datasets" in Proceedings of 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Vol. 3, pp587-590.
Rahwan, I, Parsons, D. & Reed, C. (Eds) (2008) "Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop, ArgMAS-2007", Springer.
Reed, C., Mochales Palau, R., Rowe, G. & Moens, M.-F. (2008) "Language Resources for Studying Argument" in Proceedings of the 6th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC-2008), Marrakech.
Reed, C., Wells, S. Rowe, G.W.A. & Devereux, J. (2008) "AIF+: Dialogue in the Argument Interchange Format" in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2008), IOS Press, pp311-323.
Rowe, G. & Reed, C. (to appear) (2008) "Argument Diagramming: The Araucaria Project" in Okada, A., Buckingham Shum, S.J. & Sherborne, A. (eds) Knowledge Cartography, Springer, pp163-181.
Rowe, G.W.A. & Reed, C. (2008) "Diagramming the Argument Interchange Format" in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2008), IOS Press, pp348-359.
Walton, D. and Reed, C. (2008) "Evaluating Corroborative Evidence", Argumentation, 22 (4), pp531-553.
Walton, D., Reed, C. and Macagno, F. (2008) "Argumentation Schemes", Cambridge University Press.
Yuan, T., Schulze, J., Devereux, J. & Reed, C. (2008) "Towards an Arguing Agents Competition: Building on Argumento" in Working Notes of the 8th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA-2008).
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Gibson, A., Rowe, G. & Reed, C. (2007) "A Computational Approach to Identifying Formal Fallacy" in Working Notes of the 7th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2007), Hyderabad, pp26-30.
Moens, M.-F., Boiy, E., Palau, R.M., & Reed, C. (2007) "Automatic Detection of Arguments in Legal Texts" in Proceedings of the International Conference on AI & Law (ICAIL-2007), Stanford, CA, pp225-230.
Rahwan, I., Reed, C., Zablith, F. (2007) "On Building Argumentation Schemes Using the Argument Interchange Format" in Working Notes of the 7th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2007), Hyderabad, pp49-56.
Rahwan, I., Zablith, F. & Reed, C. (2007) "Laying the Foundations for a World Wide Argument Web", Artificial Intelligence, 171, pp897-921.
Rahwan, I., Zablith, F. & Reed, C. (2007) "Towards Large Scale Argumentation Support on the Semantic Web" in Proceedings of AAAI-07, Vancouver, pp1446-1451.
Reed, C. & Grasso, F. (2007) "Recent Advances in Computational Models of Argument", International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 22(1), pp1-15.
Reed, C. & Rowe, G.W.A. (2007) "A Pluralist Approach to Argument Diagramming", Law, Probability & Risk, 6 (1-4), pp59-85.
Reed, C. & Walton, D. (to appear) (2007) "Argumentation Schemes in Dialogue" in Hansen, H.V, Tindale, C.W., Johnson, R.H. & Blair, J.A. (eds) Dissensus and the Search for Common Ground (Proceedings of OSSA 2007), Windsor, ON.
Reed, C. & Wells, S. (2007) "Dialogical Argument as an Interface to Complex Debates", IEEE Intelligent Systems, 22 (6), pp60-65.
Reed, C., Walton, D. & Macagno, F. (2007) "Argument diagramming in logic, law and artificial intelligence", Knowledge Engineering Review, 22 (1), pp87-109.
Reed, C.A. and Norman, T.J. (2007) "A Formal Characterisation of Hamblin's Action State Semantics", Journal of Philosophical Logic, 36 (4), pp415-448.
Yuan, T. Moore, D and Reed, C. (2007) "Computational Use of Informal Logic Dialogue Games" in Óskarsson, H. (eds) Afmælisrit Háskólans á Akureyri (20th Anniversary of the University of Akureyri), University of Akureyri, Akureyri, Iceland, pp345-366.
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Chesnevar,C.,McGinnis,J.,Modgil,S.Rahwan,I.,Reed,C.,Simari,G.,South,M.,Vreeswijk,G.,Willmott,S. (2006) "Towards an Argument Interchange Format", Knowledge Engineering Review, 21 (4), pp293-316.
Deak, P., Reed, C., Rowe, G. (2006) "CAD Grammars: An Extension to Shape and Graph Grammars for Design Modelling`" in Bogle, I.D.L. & Zilinskas, J. (eds) Computer Aided Methods In Optimal Design And Operations, World Scientific.
Deak, Rowe, G. and Reed, C. (2006) "CAD Grammars: Combining CAD and Automated Spatial Design" in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Design Computing & Cognition (DCC 2006), Springer, Eindhoven, pp503-520.
Hawes, C. & Reed, C. (2006) "Theoretical Steps Towards Modelling Resilience in Complex Systems" in Proceedings of the Workshop on Modeling Complex Systems (MCS 2006) (part of the Proceedings of ICCSA 2006) LNCS vol. 3980, Springer, pp644-653.
Jack, K. Reed, C., Waller, A. (2006) "From Syllables to Syntax: Investigating Staged Linguistic Development through Computational Modelling" in Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Sheridan, pp375-380.
Kalofonos, D., Karunatillake, N., Jennings, N.R., Norman, T.J., Reed, C., Wells, S. (2006) "Building Agents that Plan and Argue in a Social Context" in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2006), IOS Press, pp15-26.
Reed, C. (2006) "Preliminary Results from an Argument Corpus" in Eloína Miyares Bermúdez and Leonel Ruiz Miyares (eds) Linguistics in the Twenty First Century, Cambridge Scholars Press, (ISBN 9781904303862), pp185-196.
Reed, C.A. (2006) "Representing Dialogic Argumentation", Knowledge Based Systems, 19 (1), pp22-31.
Reed, C.A. & Rowe, G. (2006) "Toulmin diagrams in theory and practice" in Hitchcock, D. & Verheij, B. (eds) The Toulmin Model Today, Springer.
Rowe, G., Macagno, F., Reed, C. & Walton, D. (2006) "Araucaria as a Tool for Diagramming Arguments in Teaching and Studying Philsophy", Teaching Philosophy, 29(2), pp111-124.
Rowe, G.W.A. & Reed, C. (2006) "Translating Wigmore Diagrams" in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2006), IOS Press, pp171-182.
Walton, D. & Reed, C. (2006) "Evaluating Corroborative Evidence" in Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argument (ISSA 2006), Amsterdam, pp881-885.
Wells, S. & Reed, C. (2006) "Knowing When to Bargain" in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2006), IOS Press, pp235-246.
Wells, S. & Reed, C. (2006) "Knowing when to bargain" in Working Notes of the 6th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2006), Riva del Garda, pp83-88.
Wells, S. & Reed, C. (to appear) (2006) "Testing Formal Dialectic" in Maudet, N., Moraitis, P, Parsons, S. & Rahwan, I. (eds) Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2005).
Willmott,S., Vreeswijk,G., South,M, Chesnevar,C, Simari,G, McGinnis,J, Rahwan,I & Reed,C (to appear) (2006) "Towards an Argument Interchange Format for Multiagent Systems" in Maudet, N., Parsons, S. & Rahwan, I. (eds) Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2006), Hakodate.
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Neville R.G., Al-Agilly S., Robb H., Riddell S., Sergeant P., Reed C. & Boswell, B. (2005) "Remote wireless access to the core clinical summary for major and modest expeditions" in Proceedings of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Symposium on Expedition Medicine A10 RCPE 2005, Edinburgh.
Prakken, H. Reed, C., Walton, D. (2005) "Dialogues about the burden of proof" in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on AI & Law (ICAIL2005), ACM Press, pp115-124.
Rahwan, I. Moraitis, P. & Reed, C.A. (eds) (2005) "Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems", LNAI vol. 3366, Springer.
Reed, C. (2005) "Preliminary Results from an Argument Corpus" in Proceedings of the IX Symposium on Social Communication, Santiago de Cuba, pp576-580.
Reed, C. & Rowe, G.W.A. (2005) "Translating Toulmin Diagrams: Theory Neutrality in Argument Representation", Argumentation, 19 (3), pp267-286.
Reed, C. & Walton, D. (2005) "Towards a Formal and Implemented Model of Argumentation Schemes in Agent Communication", Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 11 (2), pp173-188.
Reed, C., Boswell, B. & Neville, R. (to appear) (2005) "Multi-Agent Patient Representation in Primary Care" in Miksch, S., Hunter, J. & Keravnou, E. (eds) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on AI in Medicine (AIME 2005), Springer.
Reed, C.A. & Rowe, G.W.A (2005) "Toulmin Diagrams in Theory and Practice: Theory Neutrality in Argument Representation" in Hitchcock, D. (eds) Proceedings of OSSA 2005, Hamilton, Canada.
Reed, C.A. & Walton, D.N. (2005) "Towards a Formal and Implemented Model of Argumentation Schemes in Agent Communication" in Rahwan, I., Moraitis, P. & Reed, C.A. (eds) Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (Proceedings of ArgMAS 2004), Springer Verlag.
Walton, D.N. & Reed, C.A. (2005) "Argumentation Schemes and Enthymemes", Synthese, 145 (3), pp339-370.
Wells, S. & Reed, C. (2005) "Formal Dialectic Specification" in Rahwan, I., Moraitis, P. & Reed, C. (eds) Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (Proceedings of ArgMAS 2004), Springer Verlag.
Wells, S. & Reed, C. (to appear) (2005) "A Drosophila for Computational Dialectics" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2005), Utrecht.
Wells, S. Reed, C. (2005) "Testing Computational Dialectic" in Reed, C. Grasso, F. & Kibble, R. (eds) Working Notes of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2005), Edinburgh.
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Jack, K., Reed, C., & Waller, A. (2004) "A Computational Model of Emergent Syntax: Supporting the Natural Transition from the One-word Stage to the Two-Word Stage" in Working Notes of the Coling2004 Workshop on Psycho-Computational Models of Human Language Acquisition, Geneva.
Katzav, J. & Reed, C.A. (2004) "On argumentation schemes and the natural classification of arguments", Argumentation, 18 (2), pp239-259.
Katzav, J. & Reed, C.A. (2004) "A Classification System for Argument" in Department of Applied Computing, University of Dundee Technical Report.
Katzav, J., Reed, C.A. & Rowe, G.W.A. (2004) "Argument Research Corpus" in Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. (eds) Practical Applications in Language and Computers (Proceedings of the 2003 Conference), Peter Lang, Frankfurt, pp229-239.
Prakken, H., Reed, C. & Walton, D. (2004) "Argumentation Schemes and Burden of Proof" in Grasso, F., Reed, C. & Carenini, G. (eds) Working Notes of the 4th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA2004), Valencia.
Reed, C.A. & Rowe, G.W.A (2004) "Araucaria: Software for Argument Analysis, Diagramming and Representation", International Journal of AI Tools, 13 (4), pp961-980.
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Bex, F., Prakken, H., Reed, C. & Walton, D. (2003) "Towards a formal account of Reasoning about Evidence: Argument Schemes and Generalisations", Artificial Intelligence & Law, 11 (2-3), pp125-165.
Crosswhite, J., Fox, J., Reed, C.A., Scaltsas, T. & Stumpf, S. (2003) "Computational Models of Rhetorical Argument" in Reed, C.A. & Norman, T.J. (eds) Argumentation Machines: New Frontiers in Argument and Computation, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp175-209.
Kollingbaum, M., Norman, T.J. & Reed, C.A. (2003) "Implementing Responsibility for States and Events" in Proceedings of AAMAS 2003, Melbourne.
Prakken, H., Reed, C.A. & Walton, D.N. (2003) "Argumentation Schemes and Generalisations in Reasoning about Evidence" in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on AI & Law, ACM Press, pp32-41.
Reed, C.A. & Norman, T.J. (2003) "A Roadmap of Research in Argument and Computation" in Reed, C.A. & Norman, T.J. (eds) Argumentation Machines: New Frontiers in Argument and Computation, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp1-12.
Reed, C.A. & Norman, T.J. (eds) (2003) "Argumentation Machines: New Frontiers in Argument and Computation", Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Reed, C.A. & Walton, D.N. (2003) "Argumentation schemes in argument-as-process and argument-as-product" in Proceedings of the Conference Celebrating Informal Logic @25, Windsor, ON.
Rowe, G.W.A., Reed, C.A. & Katzav, J. (2003) "Araucaria: Marking Up Argument" in Working Notes of the European Conference on Computing and Philosophy 2003, Glasgow.
Walton, D.N. & Reed, C.A. (2003) "Diagramming, Argumentation Schemes and Critical Questions" in F.H. van Eemeren, J.A. Blair, C.A. Willard & A.F. Snoek Henkemans (eds) Anyone Who Has a View: Theoretical Contributions to the Study of Argumentation, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp195-211.
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Gilbert, M.A. & Reed, C.A. (2002) "E-motion: Moving toward the utilization of artificial emotion", Informal Logic, 22 (3), pp275-291.
Norman, T.J. & Reed, C.A. (2002) "A Model of Delegation for Multi-Agent Systems" in D'Inverno, M., Luck, M., Fisher, M. and Priest, C. (eds) Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems, Springer Verlag, pp185-204.
Norman, T.J. and Reed, C.A. (2002) "Group Delegation and Responsibility" in Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Bologna, pp491-498.
Reed, C.A. (2002) "Saliency and the Attentional State in Natural Language Generation" in F. van Harmelen (eds) Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2002), IOS Press, Lyon.
Reed, C.A., Norman, T.J. and Jennings, N.R. (2002) "Negotiating the Semantics of Agent Communication Languages", Computational Intelligence, 18 (2), pp229-252.
Walton, D.N. & Reed, C.A. (2002) "Diagramming, Argumentation Schemes and Critical Questions" in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Argumentation (ISSA'2002), SicSat, Amsterdam, pp881-885.
Walton, D.N. and Reed, C.A. (2002) "Argumentation schemes and defeasible inferences" in Carenini, G., Grasso, F., and Reed, C.A. (eds) Working Notes of the ECAI'2002 Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument, Lyon, pp45-55.
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Norman, T.J. and Reed, C.A. (2001) "Delegation and Responsibility" in Proceedings of the Workshop on Agent Architectures Theories and Languages (ATAL VI), Springer Verlag, Boston.
Reed, C.A. & Rowe, G.W.A. (2001) "Araucaria: Software for Puzzles in Argument Diagramming and XML" in Department of Applied Computing, University of Dundee Technical Report.
Reed, C.A. and Grasso, F. (2001) "Computational Models of Natural Language" in Alexandrov, V. et al. (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS2001), Springer Verlag, San Francisco, pp999-1008.
Reed, C.A. and Walton, D.N. (2001) "Applications of argumentation schemes" in Hansen, H.V., Tindale, C.W., Blair, J.A. & Johnson, R.H. (eds) Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argument (OSSA2001), Windsor, Canada.
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Norman, T.J. and Reed, C.A. (2000) "Delegation and Responsibility" in Working Notes of UKMAS2000, Oxford.
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Reed, C.A. (1999) "The Role of Saliency in Generating Natural Language Arguments" in Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'99), Morgan Kaufmann, Stockholm, pp876-881.
.html Reed, C.A. (1999) "Building Monologue" in Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argument (OSSA'99), St. Catharines.
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Daskalopulu, A.K. & Reed, C.A. (1998) "Modelling the Structure and Functionality of Contractual Text" in Law in the Information Society: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the Instituto per la Documentazione Giuridica of the Italian National Research Council, Florence.
Pouloudi, A. & Reed, C.A. (1998) "Towards a Multi-Agent Representation of Stakeholder Interests" in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on The Practical Applications of Intelligent Agents (PAAM98), London, pp393-407.
Reed, C.A. (1998) "Dialogue Frames in Agent Communication" in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multi Agent Systems (ICMAS98), IEEE Press, Paris, pp246-253.
.html Reed, C.A. (1998) "Is it a Monologue, a Dialogue or a Turn in a Dialogue?" in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Argumentation (ISSA98), Foris, Amsterdam.
Reed, C.A. and Daskalopulu, A. (1998) "Modelling Contractual Arguments" in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Argumentation (ISSA98), Foris, Amsterdam.
Reed, C.A. and Long, D.P. (1998) "Generating the Structure of Argument" in Hoeppner, W. (eds) Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL98), Montreal, Canada, pp1091-1097.
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.html Reed C.A. (1997) "Representing and applying knowledge for argumentation in a social context", AI and Society, 11 (3-4), pp138-154.
Reed C.A. and Long, D.P. (1997) "Content ordering in the generation of persuasive discourse" in Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI97), Morgan Kaufmann, Nagoya, Japan, pp1022-1027.
Reed C.A., Long D.P. (1997) "Collaboration, Cooperation and Dialogue Classification" in Jokinen, K. (eds) Working Notes of the IJCAI97 Workshop on Collaboration, Cooperation and Conflict in Dialogue Systems, Nagoya, pp73-78.
.txt Reed, C.A. (1997) "Persuasive Monologue" in Proceedings of the 2nd Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference (OSSA97), St. Catharines, Canada.
Reed, C.A. and Long, D.P. (1997) "Multiple subarguments in logic, argumentation, rhetoric and text generation" in Gabbay, D., Kruse, R. and Ohlbach, H. (eds) Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning (ECSQARU-FAPR97), Springer Verlag, Bad Honnef, pp496-510.
Reed, C.A. and Long, D.P. (1997) "Ordering and Focusing in an Architecture for Persuasive Discourse Planning" in Hoeppner, W. (eds) Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (EWNLG97), Duisburg, Germany, pp107-116.
Reed, C.A., Long, D.P. and Fox, M. (1997) "Context and Focusing in Argumentative Dialogue Planning" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Context (CONTEXT97), Rio, Brazil, pp88-99.
Reed, C.A., Long, D.P., Fox, M. and Garagnani, M. (1997) "Persuasion as a form of inter-agent negotiation" in Multi-Agent Systems: Methodologies and Applications: Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the 2nd Australian Workshop on Distributed AI, Springer Verlag, Cairns, Australia, pp120-136.
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.html Reed C.A., Long D.P. (1996) "Argumentation as intention-laden persuasive communication" in Gordon, T (eds) Working Notes of Computational Dialectics Workshop at FAPR96, Bonn.
Reed C.A., Long D.P. and Fox M. (1996) "Planning Persuasive Dialogue" in Jokinen, K. (eds) Working Notes of the Gaps and Bridges - New Advances in NLG Workshop at ECAI96, Budapest, pp47-50.
Reed, C.A., Long, D.P. and Fox, M. (1996) "An Architecture for Argumentative Dialogue Planning" in Gabbay, D. & Ohlbach, H.J. (eds) Practical Reasoning: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Formal and Applied Practical Reasoning (FAPR96), Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp555-566.
Sort by: year | type Feb 14, 2025 01:26